
Monday, May 27, 2013

Too Many Eggs

Sometimes when you have laying hens you end up with TOO MANY EGGS!!! I have 6 chickens. That means 6 new eggs every day. At first, it wasn't so hard to keep up. Jonny and I each have two in the morning and each of the dogs gets one. Easy!

But lets say for example that you miss a day. Or, heaven forbid, go out for breakfast! Well that means that you have 12 eggs to eat the next day. And that's just silly! And if you fall behind there will be another 6 the next morning and so on, and so forth...

Things get out of hand quickly.

Now, I am fortunate to have friends who like eggs! Awesome! So sometimes I give some away. The thing is, people are far too willing to take them off my hands and rarely offer anything in return. I like a good bartering system. I like to get something in return for giving something. It is summer after all and there must be something in your garden worth sharing right?!? Zucchini? Tomatoes? Something...

So maybe I am a grump but if I give someone a carton once and they offer nothing in return, I am hesitant to do it again. This leaves me pondering the collection of 4 dozen eggs I currently have in my fridge. How does one use that many eggs?

Click Here to See All My Eggs Recipes

Here are some other ideas for using them up. These are some recipes I found that will use multiple eggs:

Deviled Eggs
Pickled Eggs
Sponge Cake
Hollandaise Sauce
Creme Brulee
Lemon or Lime Curd

How do you use up your eggs?

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